
Understanding Affirming Communities, Relationships, & Networks

What’s the UnACoRN Study?

We launched the UnACoRN Survey to understand where young peoples’ gender and sexual feelings, expressions and identities were doubted or denied, and affirmed or celebrated! The survey was open from March to August 2022. Young people told us how to make their communities and environments safer and more supportive. The survey was open from March to August 2022. We’re working with partners and collaborators to analyze the data we collected. We’re so grateful to the thousands of young people across Canada and the U.S. who shared their time and experiences with us! 

Who did this study and why?

We’re a team of social scientists and health researchers from across Canada. We want to better understand the range of settings where youth have their sexual and gender identities supported or threatened. We’ll then use these results to work with school administrators, lawmakers, community organizations, healthcare providers, religious organizations, sports teams, and many others to make sure more youth feel safe and affirmed wherever they go!

Learn more about our team!

This study was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Andrew Beckerman.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the survey?

If you have questions about the survey, contact Sarah Watt, Research Coordinator, at Sarah_Watt@SFU.ca.